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Manager - Suzanne Bumfrey

Senior (Butterflies) - Kelly Hawkins

Senior (Caterpillars) - Natasha Slessor

At Ardley Hill Pre School, we understand that choosing the right childcare can be a daunting and emotional experience, which is why we create a warm, friendly and welcoming environment and ensure the needs of your child are always our priority. Our qualified and experienced staff are dedicated to ensuring your child has the best start in life.

Play is an important part of our approach towards learning and development. Our range of activities and facilities fully support the Early Years Foundation including our messy play and quiet time area, growing garden and small group room. All of our children have access to a secure outdoor play area.

Ardley Hill Pre School is Ofsted registered and cares for children from 2 years to pre-school age. 5 days a week (Monday to Friday) from 8.50am-3.20pm.

Preschool can offer all day spaces (subject to avalibility) Tuesday-Thursday. Contact the Preschool on 01582667955 or preschool@ardleyhill.org.uk

If you have not yet visited our Pre School or you would like more information about our setting, Please contact me on 01582 667955 or preschool@ardleyhill.org.uk

Apply for a Pre School Place

If you would like to apply for a place at Ardley Hill Pre School, please read the New Starter Information Booklet which you can access by clicking the link below.

You will then need to complete our online application form, you can do this by clicking on this link – https://forms.gle/pBr9WL73nrvE8JcKA

Optional Pre School Uniform

You can purchase the Pre School from Best Look school uniform shop in Dunstable or from My Clothing Limited – https://myclothing.com/ardley-hill-pre-school/9170.school

Ardley Hill Pre School also sell pre loved uniform, please email me at preschool@ardleyhill.org.uk for more information.

Caterpillars Class 

Caterpillars Class is for our youngest children (2-3 years). In this class we will focus on the Prime areas of the EYFS curriculum: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language skills and Physical Development. We also introduce early maths and phonics skills and a combination of ‘In the Moment’ play and adult focused activities.

Caterpillars class offers a morning session 8:50-11:50 am. There is no minimum requirement for the number of sessions 2 year olds attend.

We will endeavour to move your child up to Butterflies the term after they turn 3, however this will be subject to availability. If due to availability, your child remains in Caterpillars class they will be able to use their 30 hour funding entitlement (as long as there are 30 hour places available).

Children do not need to be toilet trained to attend our Pre School. Parents/carers are asked to provide nappies, and wipes. When the time comes to start toilet training we will work with you and your child to help them adapt confidently to this new experience, encouraging them to take responsibility for their own hygiene and promoting the importance of correct hand washing.

2 year olds will have a written communication sheet which has information about snack time, nappy changes and sleep times.

Butterflies Class

At Ardley Hill Pre School we prepare our older children so that they are ready for school. We work closely with the 4+ at Ardley Hill Academy and other Lower/Primary schools to ensure a smooth transition.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to structure our daily activities.  We focus on all 7 areas of the EYFS with particular focus on maths and literacy.

We ask parents for a 5-session commitment to ensure maximum opportunity for the children. If your child is eligible for 30 hour funding they can stay all day.

Nappy Changing and Toilet Training

Children do not need to be toilet trained to attend our Pre School. Parents/carers are asked to provide nappies, and wipes. When the time comes to start toilet training we will work with you and your child to help them adapt confidently to this new experience, encouraging them to take responsibility for their own hygiene and promoting the importance of correct hand washing.

Outdoor Learning

Both classes benefit from secure playgrounds as well as sharing a large grass area. We also have use of the Academy’s 2 large playing fields and playground which is great for riding bikes and scooters.

2 Year Old Funding

Funding is available for up to 15 hours of childcare per week for 2 year olds whose families meet one of the following criteria:
They receive

  • Income Support,

  • Income based Jobseekers Allowance,

  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance,

  • Child Tax Credits or Working Tax Credits and have an annual gross earnings of no more than £16,190,

  • The guarantee element of State Pension Credit

  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999


Or they have a two year old child who

  • Has a current statement of SEN or an Education, Health Care Plan,

  • Receives Disability Living Allowance,

  • Has left care through special guardianship or through an adoption or residence order

  • Is a looked after Child

If you think you might be eligible please contact Dunstable South Children’s Centre on 0300 300 8104

30 Hours Funding

Ardley Hill Pre School offer 15 hours funding and the extended 30 hour funding. To find out if you are eligible for this funding please follow this link https://www.gov.uk/apply-30-hours-free-childcare

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

The Early Years Pupil Premium allows childcare providers to claim extra funding to support children’s development, learning and care.provides will received an additional £300 per year for eligible three and four year old children. This additional money could make a significant difference to your child’s education.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Support (SEND)

Pre School Local Offer