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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Ethos, Values and Vision          

At Ardley Hill Academy we feel that every day and every activity is a learning opportunity for all our pupils and that this will continue throughout their life – therefore we firmly promote ‘Learning for life’.

We believe that there are some key attributes that support our pupils in ‘Learning for Life’ and these are promoted in all aspects of school.  These are encompassed in REACH – resilience, engagement, aspirational, communication, healthy.

Ardley Hill Academy pupils will be resilient, engaged fully in their work, aspirational in all they do, be able to communicate using a variety of methods to different audiences and be healthy in mind, body and soul. We expect all pupils to aim high and REACH their own potential. 


Nurturing and inspiring all pupils to succeed and achieve greatness – to ensure they can be the best they can be. 


To be an outstanding school - inspiring children to overcome their barriers to learning and not putting any limits on their educational achievements. 


 We put all children first in everything we do to enable learning for life and achievement of their potential by; 

  • Teaching pupils to have RESILIENCE to learn from their mistakes 
  • Providing firm building blocks and ENGAGEMENT for future learning 
  • Promoting and driving high ASPIRATION and achievement 
  • Working in partnership and COMMUNICATING with parents to achieve the best outcomes for each child 
  • Providing a HEALTHY, supportive and caring environment for all.