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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Our 5 Key principles:

  • High quality and consistent phonics teaching across the school
  • Children read fluently and automatically
  • Children show understanding of the text they read
  • All children achieve and progress
  • Children progress from 'learning to read' to 'reading to learn' for purpose and pleasure


Reading Intent

At Ardley Hill, children are expected to have aspirational learning goals in writing and reading.  During their journey, we ensure children make individual sufficient progress and provide engaging, challenging and creative ways for them to learn. Ardley Hill provides lifelong skills needed for their future regardless of their background. 

During their time at Ardley Hill Academy, children talk positively about their reading journey. They have an embedded love for reading. Children actively engage regularly with a variety of high quality texts that are studied in the classroom and in their own time. Teachers ensure all children have the skills to access reading with high expectations and rigorous planning. The children are resilient and engaged in reading lessons. Children aspire to explore new texts independently, using strategies learnt to build on current understanding. Children develop their ability to read fluently and communicate ideas through inferring meaning. They feel confident in talking about what they have read and are able to recommend books to others. Children have exposure and access to books that support the development of their mental, social and physical health

Our Reading Culture

Reading and the love of reading is regularly celebrated as a whole school, in classes, with parents and individually. Book vouchers, badges, books and shout outs are regularly given to a wide range of children for a variety of reasons. Our amazing Reading Ambassadors and Librarians champion reading by increasing engagement in assemblies, running clubs, creating magazines, fundraising and more! We have a fantastic library where classes regularly visit and change books or run reading clubs!

Recently fundraised for was a Little Library that promotes reading for the Ardley Hill community and our new vending machine!

Reading records are used throughout the school to encourage a dialogue between parents, pupils and teachers up to Year 6. All classrooms have class libraries where children read and take books home to read for pleasure. Reception and KS1 children take home a reading basket weekly.

Visitors including authors and parents are common at Ardley Hill and the children love peer reading to the rest of the school.
