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GSO Test



Our 5 Key principles:

  • Understand that history is the study of the past that includes events within and before their lifetime
  • Comment on similarities and differences between different periods of time using accurate, age appropriate historical vocabulary.
  • Know that evidence is needed to comment on and understand teh past and that this evidence can take a range of forms.
  • Understand a basic chronological framework of key events in Britain, Europe and the wider world.
  • Answer questions about the periods of time they have studied, referencing relevant and accurate historical information.


Curriculum Intent

History progression through Ardley Hill Academy is monitored by key pieces of work. Each year group will complete at least one progression writing piece per half term which can then be monitored.

These are highlighted in the Learning Journey given to staff. They consist of diary writing, historical comparison and historical debate, representing their resilience.
Children are engaged in History at Ardley Hill due to the WOW factor, stunning starts and fantastic finishes, bringing to life Historical topics.

At Ardley Hill Academy we make a clear focus on those who affected the world we live in today from EYFS showing an interest in the lives of people who are familiar to them to year 6 looking into significant turning point in British history WWI, building on their aspirations.
Particular focus on key events in time such as Black History Month, Remembrance Day, St George’s Day begin to reveal the different communities and allow pupils to communicate with different audiences. Historical work is celebrated with our school community and local community.

Bringing our historical learning through Ardley Hill Academy allows pupils to develop a healthy attitude surrounding the life they live in, having emotional and spiritual well-being imbedded in the historical context. 
