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Our 5 Key principles:

  • To proficiently convey ideas, information and emotions through speaking listening, reading and writing, ensuring precision and impact
  • To appreciate the pleasures of reading, becoming a self-driven, enthusiastic, discerning and self-sufficient reader for enjoyment and practical purposes
  • To cultivate neat legible handwriting with swift transcription skills
  • To master accurate spelling as well proper grammar and punctuation usage
  • To employ an extensive and impressive vocabulary in both oral and written expressions to achieve specific effects, tailored for the intended audience.

English curriculum intent

At Ardley Hill, our aim is for children to develop the reading and writing skills throughout their journey with us in order to ensure they are ready for the demands that will face them after they leave us.

During their time at Ardley Hill Academy, children will develop their reading skills. They will become more resilient readers who are able to use a range of strategies to help decode and draw understanding from the texts they read so that they are able to enjoy and share their experiences. Children will engage with a variety of high quality texts to drive their interest and enthusiasm in reading.  Through their exploration of a variety of text types and styles, children will aspire to learn about new texts, using strategies learnt to understand new concepts and vocabulary. From their reading, children will develop their ability to communicate ideas through inferring meaning and exploring author’s choices. They will feel confident in talking about what they have read and be able to recommend books to others. Children will also develop their understanding of the world around them by accessing a range of appropriate texts in order to support the development of their mental, social and physical health.

Children will also develop as writers during their learning journey at Ardley Hill Academy. They will learn to transfer their foundational knowledge of grammar, punctuation and spelling to a range of writing purposes to build their resilience as authors. Children will be engaged in writing for increasingly sustained periods, immersing themselves in their writing role. They will aspire to develop their own works, eager to improve as an author using the knowledge learnt. Through exploring their role as a writer for different purposes and audiences, children will develop their communication skills, enabling them to express ideas clearly and coherently when publishing work. Children will develop their ability to explore voice and use empathy within their writing allowing them to express healthy ideas about the world around them.







Supportive Websites and Information

SPAG Guide – https://ardleyhill.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/SPAG-Glossary.pdf

SPAG Book – https://www.amazon.co.uk/Primary-Grammar-Punctuation-Spelling-Dictionary/dp/0192734210/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1493041666&sr=8-1&keywords=oxford+primary+grammar+punctuation+and+spelling+dictionary

Oxford Owl Ebooks – https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/

Reading List Suggestions – https://www.scholastic.co.uk/piecorbett/resources

100 Books to read before you leave Primary School – https://trentceprimaryschool.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/100-Books-To-Try-And-Read-Before-You-Leave-Year-6.pdf

Accelerated Reader Book Finder –https://www.arbookfind.co.uk/default.aspx

Pen Pals Handwriting Guide – https://www.cambridge.org/files/7314/9020/2522/PfH_Messages_for_Parents_combined.pdf